Genesis 28:15
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Thoughts I have always been really mesmerized by the beauty around me. From the mountains that look like they have white snow hats, to the beautiful voice of a person who loves to sing, to the different eye colors that can be so captivating. I … Continue readingThings Aren’t Lost Here
“The One who sung the stars into the sky is the One who knows every day of my life.” – Cageless Birds Thoughts What does it really mean to have someone hold memory and witness of every single moment of your life? At first it … Continue readingThe God Who Sees Me and Knows Me
“I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” – Isaiah 46:4, NLT Thoughts I often forget that I am carried by … Continue readingWith His Arms Around Me
“Rejection breeds success” by unknown. If you know who, please share. 😊 One of my favorite quotes while on my entrepreneurship journey. Rejection loves coming in at full force. When you have it all planned out and outlined, rejection becomes your main line of sight. … Continue readingRejection breeds success
It’s incredible how many folks deny the remarkable wonders of the Lord. It’s even more astounding that those who have seen God’s work in their lives first hand can allow themselves to forget the great things He’s done for them. It’s effortless for the undisciplined … Continue readingHe Is The One We Praise
Gods promises for our lives are never stolen or ripped away from us. The promises from the Lord are ours to keep. They are not lies, they are truth and just like God was there for Sarah and Abraham at their elderly age with no … Continue readingGod’s Promises
One of the hardest things to do is to forgive. To forgive others and to forgive yourself. Many say forgiveness is liberating. In the Bible it states the following: “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate … Continue readingForgiveness = Liberation
Have you found yourself in a position that requires you to be and to do so many things at one time? Many of us are mothers, fathers, wives, daughters, responsible workers, students, and different variations of the many titles out there. At times we are … Continue readingWhen life gets in the way, give yourself some grace
All of us can recall more than a few instances in life where we should’ve kept our mouths shut for just a little bit longer than we did. One of the sure signs that we’re growing in our relationship with Christ is how well we … Continue readingWisdom Equals Controlling Our Tongues