The Breath that Sustains

We breathe whether or not we know it. What happens when we forget for a moment whose we are? We can look at the very thing keeping us alive and remember. God is the keeper of moments, the hands that hold it all. The shoulder that carries all the weight of the world, and also the hope of our lungs. There isn’t a breath that He isn’t aware of because it all comes from Him. He gave it to us as babies as we were born to be able to leave our mothers bellies and go into being our own being. He gives it to us when we cry and breathe in deeply to calm down the nervous system inside of us. He gifts it when we exercise or when we don’t exercise and need extra oxygen after going up or down the stairs. When someone dies, I believe that is God calling His breath back. He breathed it into us. He sustains us as He gifts it everyday, and then He calls it back to Himself.

Today I hope you realize the realization of breath. I hope you realize that when life leaves you out of breath, He is the oxygen that you need to re-center. When you are left gasping for air because of excitement, He is the air that lets you experience what you were joyful about. He feels every moment with us, and we are never alone. The hope of your lungs, the hope of your heart, the hope of your deepest needs, He knows you and lives every moment with you. If you ever forget, take a moment to breathe and let Him remind you how close He is, how He is keeping His promise.


“You are my oxygen.

You’re making me wanna live again

Sometimes my very best

Is only my weakest yes

You see strength in every movement

Baby steps and short breaths

Anything is progress

You sustain my every moment

You are my oxygen

You’re making me wanna live again!

You sustain my every moment

My lifeblood, my true love

My reason, my because

My hope when I’m hopeless

You never run out, You’re the source of it

The moon in my night sky

My vision when I’m blind

When I quit, You still fight

You fight for me

Sometimes my very best

Is only my weakest yes

You see strength in every movement

Baby steps and short breaths

Anything is progress

You sustain my every moment.”

-Steffany Gretzinger

“Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7

“The Spirit of God has made me,

And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” -Job 33:4

“Thus says God the Lord,

Who created the heavens and stretched them out,

Who spread out the earth and its offspring,

Who gives breath to the people on it.” – Isaiah 42:5

Mariana Tabares – Community Manager at Galilee Life

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